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Thursday Mar 19 Update: Mazal Tov and time change

03/19/2020 10:26:37 AM


Rabbi Friedman

Good morning, DAT Minyan community!

1. PESACH CLASS: Last night's Pesach class had around 30 people in attendance. I am working on getting the video posted for those who could not attend. Next week, we will discuss "Leading a Seder."

2. MAZAL TOV: This morning, during our Virtual Minyan, we made history! We did the first (that I know of) Virtual Baby Naming! We named Elissa and Kenny Harcsztark's new baby daughter, Malka Nesya! May she grow L'Torah, L'Chupah U'L'Ma'asim Tovim!

3. TODAY'S CLASSChange of time! Yesterday, I wrote I would be speaking today at 4;00 pm, not knowing there is another class going on then from the Jewish Experience. I don't want to conflict with that (especially since our own Ellyn Hutt is teaching it!), so my class will be at 2:00 pm instead. It will be continuing with our discussion on the "Biographies of our Tanaim and Amoraim." Access the class at:

4. ​​​DAILY VIRTUAL (NON)MINYAN: Our daily attendance is growing! We have even had people from other communities - even NY - joining us! What a great way for both men and women in our community to start the day with positivity and unity! join us at our regularly scheduled times for Shacharit and Mincha/Maariv by logging in at: or calling in at either 253-215-8782 or 301 -715-8592, using Meeting ID: 637 344 5618.  There is a maximum of 300 participants - so let's test that capacity!

5. KABBALAT SHABBAT: Last week, we did a conference call Kabbalat Shabbat to help bring us together. Starting thos week, we will do it on ZOOM! We will start with Mincha at 6:20, and plan to conclude Lecha Dodi before candle lighting (which is at 6:54). After we turn off our electronic devices, people can accept Shabbat with Mizmor Shir L'Yom HaShabbat. Join us at or calling in at either 253-215-8782 or 301 -715-8592, using Meeting ID: 637 344 5618.. 

6. DAILY OU TEHILLIM: Join the Orthodox Union community for the recitation of Tehillim (chapters 20, 27 and 130) and Divrei Chizuk (words of inspiration) from our Rabbanim each afternoon at 1:00PM EDT. Today’s Divrei Chizuk will be shared by Rabbi Shmuel Ismach of the Young Israel of Great Neck, NY. To participate, please dial 773-377-9170.

Have an awesome day!

Rabbi Joseph Friedman

Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyyar 5784