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Apr 12 Update: Chol HaMoed Comedy Show, Programs, etc.

04/12/2020 11:33:46 AM


Moadim L’Simcha, DAT Minyan Community!

Here are today’s Pesach updates:

    1. Mindfulness and Meaning - 6:00-7:00 pm MDT - Mindfulness and Meaning: How to Navigate Daily Life (Even) in Troubled Times: A seminar with Nancy Siegel and Rabbi Zev Goldberg. Watch here.
    1. Alone Together Part II with Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Schwartz - 7:00-8:00 pm MDT - Emerging and returning to the cave. Chol HaMoed and last days survival and renewal for young couples and families. Watch here.
  2. CHOL HAMOED COMEDY SPECIAL: An Evening of Laughs with Elon Gold and Special Guests – TONIGHT at 7:13 pm MDT. Watch here.
  3. OU WOMEN’S INITITAIVE: COUNTING TOWARDS SINAI: During these challenging times, we turn to Hashem in our Tefillot for strength, solace and connection. To provide Tefillah insights and inspiration during the upcoming Omer period, the OU Women's Initiative is introducing the Counting Toward Sinai Initiative. Each day of the Omer, we will feature a different speaker from across the globe - 49 women for the 49 days of Sefirat Haomer.
    1. To receive the Counting Toward Sinai daily email, click here.
    2. To hear Adina Shmidman's kick off shiur please click here.
    3. To join our email list, please click here.
  4. BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMET: As you all received last night’s email, you know that over the Chag, Yitz Friedman, father of Dovid and Joseph Friedman, passed away. This tragedy is compounded by the complications created by COVID-19 social distancing protocols. The family is deciding how they will conduct Shiva; needless to say, in-person visits are not permitted. We will provide the community with more information as it becomes available.
  5. DAILY VIRTUAL (NON)MINYAN: Join us at our regularly scheduled times for Shacharit and Mincha/Maariv by logging in at: or calling in at either 253-215-8782 or 301 -715-8592, using Meeting ID: 637 344 5618. YOU DON’T HAVE TO PUT ON THE VIDEO IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SEEN!

Moadim L’Simcha!

Rabbi Joseph Friedman

Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784