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Apr 13 Update: Concerts! Seminars! More!

04/13/2020 08:53:49 AM


Moadim L’Simcha, DAT Minyan Community!

Here are today’s Pesach updates:

    1. A Time for Music: Camp HASC is proud to present: A Time for Music: Livestream! To benefit The special children of Camp HASC. The best in Jewish Music from the comfort of your own home. Today at 11 am MDT - get ready for the best livestream concert you’ve ever experienced! Viewing Pass can now be purchased in advance via the website: A ONE TIME OPPORTUNITY! A brand new live show that after this broadcast, will not be available to be seen again!
    2. Simcha Leiner: Chol HaMoed Concert with Simcha Leiner today at 12:00 pm MDT. Enjoy a live performance by the singing sensation from the comfort of your own home! Watch it here.
    3. Shloime Dachs: A Special Kumzitz with Shloime Dachs today at 4:00 pm MDT. Join us for a heartfelt Chol HaMoed Kumzitz with Shloime Dachs! Watch it here.
    1. FOR TEENS: Perfect Flavors for Pesach - Naomi Nachman guides teens in making their own versatile kosher for Pesach crepe recipes. All the necessary ingredients will be shared prior to the event so everyone can create their own dish at home. Today at 3:00 pm MDT. Watch it here.
    2. COPING WITH CORONA: Helping our Children & Ourselves - Join Zahava Farbman, PhD Candidate, Associate Director Project Chai, Chai Lifeline’s Crisis Intervention, Trauma and Bereavement Dept, Mental Health Responder for Hatzolah of the Rockaways and Nassau County. Today at 5:30 pm MDT, available to watch here.
    3. HOW TO MANAGE COVID-19 ANXIETY: A Psychological and Spiritual Perspective - A seminar with Dr. Marisa Mahler and Rabbi Larry Rothwachs. Today at 6:30 pm MDT, available to watch here.
  3. OU WOMEN’S INITITAIVE: COUNTING TOWARDS SINAI: During these challenging times, we turn to Hashem in our Tefillot for strength, solace and connection. To provide Tefillah insights and inspiration during the upcoming Omer period, the OU Women's Initiative is introducing the Counting Toward Sinai Initiative. Each day of the Omer, we will feature a different speaker from across the globe - 49 women for the 49 days of Sefirat Haomer.
    1. To receive the Counting Toward Sinai daily email, click here.
    2. To hear Adina Shmidman's kick off shiur please click here.
    3. To join our email list, please click here.
  4. MOSSAD AND COVID-19: Here is Ronen Bergman’s NYT article from yesterday, describing the Mossad’s outsized role in acquiring the medical gear, and knowledge, needed in the pandemic. Ronen Bergman is the author of the international best-seller, Rise and Kill First.
  5. OU DAILY TEHILLIM: Every Day at 1:00 pm EDT For Tehillim (chapters 20 [pg. 152], 27 [pg. 170] and 130 [pg. 82]) and Divrei Chizuk (words of inspiration). To participate, please dial 773-377-9170 or 480-210-2150.
  6. DAILY VIRTUAL (NON)MINYAN: Join us at our regularly scheduled times for Shacharit and Mincha/Maariv by logging in at: or calling in at either 253-215-8782 or 301 -715-8592, using Meeting ID: 637 344 5618. YOU DON’T HAVE TO PUT ON THE VIDEO IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SEEN!

Moadim L’Simcha!

Rabbi Joseph Friedman

Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784