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Apr 14 Update: YIZKOR, Music during Omer, and more

04/14/2020 10:48:53 AM


Moadim L’Simcha, and Erev Yom Tov Sameach, DAT Minyan Community!

Here are today’s Pesach updates:

  1. YIZKOR: I have received many inquiries about Yizkor this year. Yizkor is a very personal prayer, and those who recite Yizkor should do so on Thursday (see the Tefillah Guide in both the newsletter, as well as here). I will be delivering my Yizkor Derasha this afternoon at 6:45 pm (different than the Derasha in the newsletter, or available here).
  2. TODAY’S SCHEDULE: As just mentioned, I will be delivering the Derasha (different than in the newsletter) at 6:45, followed by Tehillim for the Sick, and Mincha at 7:05 pm. Candle Lighting is at 7:20 pm. The schedule is available here, and the Tefillah guide is available here.
  3. RAV SHECHTER ON MUSIC DURING SEFIRAT HAOMER: HaRav Herschel Schachter was asked the following question: In order to reduce some of the depressing atmosphere, can we allow for the dispensation of the Issur of music, at least the recorded kind, during Sefirat HaOmer? It's not clear how Halachically problematic recorded music is altogether. Perhaps this year, we can be Maykil (lenient)? HaRav Schachter answered that it is a Minhag not to listen to music during Sefirat HaOmer; it is self-understood that a Minhag doesn't apply under such unusual circumstances as we find ourselves in. Listening to recorded music to lift one’s spirits would be permitted during this crisis.
  4. MEMORIAL FOR YITZ FRIEDMAN, ע"ה: In this age of coronavirus that prohibits Shiva visitation, Dovid and Joseph Friedman’s family has created an online memorial site, for friends and family to share stories and photographs and to remember and celebrate the life of Adam (Yitz) Friedman, ע"ה. Notes of condolence to Shirley and her family may be sent to her at Shirley can also be reached at 914-391-2152. In addition, there will be a memorial service on Zoom, which will take place on Sunday, April 19, at 10:00 am MDT. It is accessible at (if the link does not work from the email, copy and paste the URL into your browser, and it will work), or call 1-646-558-8656, and use Meeting ID: 932 6536 7063 and Password: 994367 (one-tap mobile is +16465588656, 93265367063#, 994367#).
  5. NOT THE TIME TO GET LAX: While I am confident this doesn’t apply to our community, there are many reports about people, perhaps due to stir-craziness, beginning to get lax regarding social distancing. This is NOT the time for any laxity! We need to eradicate this scourge. Here is a reminder document from the American Red Cross and proper protocols.
  6. OU DAILY TEHILLIM: Every Day at 1:00PM EDT For Tehillim (chapters 20 [pg. 152], 27 [pg. 170] and 130 [pg. 82]) and Divrei Chizuk (words of inspiration), given today by Rabbi Hillel Grossman of Congregation Ohavei Sholem in Woodridge, New York. To participate, please dial 773-377-9170 or 480-210-2150. The DAT Minyan will be getting a national plug on Friday, when I will be giving the Divrei Chizuk and leading the Tehillim.
  7. DAILY VIRTUAL (NON)MINYAN: Join us at our regularly scheduled times for Shacharit and Mincha/Maariv by logging in at: or calling in at either 253-215-8782 or 301 -715-8592, using Meeting ID: 637 344 5618. YOU DON’T HAVE TO PUT ON THE VIDEO IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SEEN!

Moadim L’Simcha!

Rabbi Joseph Friedman

Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784