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Apr 23 UPDATE: Haircuts on Friday, Polotsky Bar Mitzvah, and more

04/23/2020 01:16:18 PM


Happy Thursday, DAT Minyan Community!

Here are today’s updates:

  1. HAIRCUT AND SHAVING THIS FRIDAY: Since this Erev Shabbat is also the first day of Rosh Chodesh Iyar, it is permitted to have a haircut or shave, even for those who begin conducting the restrictions of Sefira from the second day of Pesach (the first half).
  2. NEW (non)MINYAN ZOOM ADDRESS: We updated our Zoom account and the new login for the Virtual (non)Minyan is: If you want to call in, dial 302-715-8592 US or 253-215-8782, Meeting ID: 948 1926 1580. The Daf Yomi Zoom will stay the same.
  3. SHABBAT CLASS: Essie Fleischmann will be doing her “Shabbat Morning” class via Zoom on Fri, Apr 24 at 10 am. Log in at
  4. POLOTSKY BAR MITZVAH: This weekend is Eli Polotsky’s Bar Mitzvah. An email will go out later with, among other things, a copy of his D’var Torah. Eli will be leading the Kabbalat Shabbat this Friday, and his mother, Dr. Hanna Polotsky, will share a few words. What a great opportunity for the ENTIRE DAT MINYAN COMMUNITY to come together and support this young man during a difficult time! You can join us at If you want to call in, dial 302-715-8592 US or 253-215-8782, Meeting ID: 948 1926 1580. The schedule is:
    1. 6:30 pm: Rabbi Friedman’s Derasha
    2. 6:45 pm: Tehillim for the Sick
    3. 6:50 pm: Mincha
    4. 7:00 pm: Dr. Hanna Polotsky will share a few words.
    5. 7:05 pm: Kabbalat Shabbat, led by Eli Polotsky
    6. 7:30 pm: Candle Lighting

The Polotskys asked me to lead a singing Havdalah (no instruments) at 8:45 pm on Motzaei Shabbat in honor of the Bar Mitzvah. It can be accessed at the same Zoom address found above.

  1. DAILY VIRTUAL (NON)MINYAN: Join us at our regularly scheduled times for Shacharit and Mincha/Maariv by logging in at: or calling in at either 253-215-8782 or 301 -715-8592, using Meeting ID: 637 344 5618. YOU DON’T HAVE TO PUT ON THE VIDEO IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SEEN!

Moadim L’Simcha!

Rabbi Joseph Friedman


Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784