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New Shavuot Learning Program!

05/21/2020 06:27:43 PM


Dear Friends,

I am excited to announce a new initiative for Shavuot this year—the Shavuot (Home) Learning Project. This year, as part of your Shavuot learning, I encourage you to join together as we study Sefer Shoftim – the Book of Judges in our homes over Shavuot. In the coming days you will receive an email with a link to resources and study materials, prepared by my friend, Rabbi Binyamin Lehrfield of Baron Hirsch Congregation in Memphis, TN, in conjunction with their YU Fellows program, to aid you in your studies. These materials are designed to meet you at your own level and interest. Whether you read through chapter summaries, discover famous Jewish leaders, study deeper insights, or learn through the chapters themselves, you will find that there is something for everyone!

As some of you might know, Sefer Shoftim describes the new and relatively tumultuous era following the death of Yehoshua (Joshua), at which time the Jewish people are left without a King, a ruler of Yehoshua’s caliber or pedigree, and even, for some extended periods, without any leader at all. Within this era, fifteen “Shoftim” – Judges – fill this role, with some selected as leaders by common consensus and others by Divine appointment.

With different themes, characters and stories, the Book of Judges (just 22 chapters long) is the perfect text to study and analyze on your own or with your family no matter your background or age.

While this Shavuot undoubtedly will be different than what we are used to, through the Shavuot Learning Project we still have the ability to feel connected to each other over the holiday by studying the same content and text. I hope that you join us over Shavuot and look forward to hearing your insights and observations from your studies.

Wishing you and your family a Yom Yerushalayim Sameach!

Rabbi Joseph Friedman

Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784